Rainbow Valley Conservation Park. Photo: Nicholas Hall
Rainbow Valley Conservation Park. Photo: Nicholas Hall 

Stepping Stones adaptations

The step by step approach of Stepping Stones for Tourism and Stepping Stones for Heritage can be very powerful if implemented with attention to the details of the philosophy and practice of participatory techniques.

The Stepping Stones can be used for a wide variety of planning and project development tasks that require groups to work together to achieve a high level of ownership of the outcomes. Adaptations of Stepping Stones have been applied to planning community festivals, publication projects, establishing geographic information systems databases and for other types of business development.

If you are interested in the application of the Stepping Stones model to these or other tasks, please contact Stepwise Heritage and Tourism.

Stepping Stones has been used in many different cultural settings, and has been delivered in a variety of non-English languages with appropriate translation. The concepts used in Stepping Stones are intentionally ones that facilitate and stimulate cross-cultural communication and translation. The elements work equally well with gender-specific groups as well as groups with widely varying ages.